The goal of the ISPA Project was the reduction of the frequency of injuries, damages due to as well as effectively reduce the musculoskeletal complaints of young skiers and thereby also contributing to the promotion of alpine skiing in Switzerland.
Essential prerequisites include a sound knowledge of injury patterns and reasons causing certain health problems, as well as the development of reliable tests for early an detection of increased risks and implementing effective preventive measures. Based on these findings, research targeted the following four projects
Epidemology: Systematic recording/acquisition/collecting of injuries, damages due to overuse and musculoskeletal complaints in junior ski racing as well as at higher performance levels.
Etiology: Investigation of the causes of the recorded injuries and overuse damages, and clarification of their relation to later/following musculoskeletal complaints.
Early detection: Development of conclusive screening tests for early detection of increased risks of later injuries, overuse damage and musculoskeletal complaints.
Prevention: Development of an evidence-based, national prevention strategy "Swiss-Ski" with a focus focusing on junior ski racing.
A final clinical trial including 129 young ski racers/ youth alpine skiers demonstrated/showed that a weekly prevention training (ISPA prevention program) reduced the frequency of injuries among U16 skiers by more than 30% and that a significant reduction of injury frequency could be witnessed regarding almost all sites of traumatic injury and complaints due to overuse. However, the program showed/proved to be most effective for knee and back injuries, the injury hotspots in the U16 area of alpine skiing.